“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.” ~C.G. Jung
There are numerous tools for self-development, and in this age of self-help and motivational literature, one must not forget to mention life coaches, mentors, and therapists. These three can be some of your greatest allies on the journey to self-improvement; it all depends on where you are in this journey. What do you require in your current season?
When I’m asked about my profession, the immediate follow-up questions are, ‘what exactly does a coach do and who needs one?’
Let’s start by familiarizing ourselves with the work of a life coach. A life coach helps you move from where you are to where you want to be in various areas of your life. It is a professional relationship between coach and client in which the coach helps the client better understand their values and belief systems and how these relate to everyday behavioural patterns. A coach enables you to create and maintain practices that support your goals.
It is essential to understand that coaching is about the individual and is held under strict confidentiality. The client is empowered and viewed as reasonable and responsible for their journey. The coach does not tell you what to do but allows you to discover what you want for yourself, acting as a soundboard and accountability partner. In other words, the onus is on the coachee to make choices that align with what brings them happiness and fulfilment.
What do you want to achieve? Is it a more fulfilling career or relationship you want, or are you looking to reignite your interests? Do you seek clarity with important decisions that you need to make?
As easy as these questions seem, they are not as easy as most of us think or would even like. Many of us constantly set the same goals year in and year out, ultimately getting frustrated with our lack of achievement and fulfilment over the years. A coach is there to challenge and support you in setting and reaching your desired results.
Another question is, ‘are you a therapist?’
Coaches are not therapists unless they have trained to be both. Coaches employ their understanding of introductory psychology in their work. Frequently, therapy is contrasted with coaching. Are the two the same? Is one more important than the other? Both coaching and therapy are essential and have their appropriate times and places. Therapy examines the past to help you understand your current situation, while coaching meets you precisely where you are and aims to propel you forward.
What about speaking engagements?
Indeed, coaches can be among the finest inspirational speakers, but this is not essential for a coach. While inspirational talks often evoke a positive response, the coach-coachee relationship is fundamentally different. A coach can assist you in discovering what inspires, motivates, and brings you joy. Although the coaching landscape is relatively new on the African continent, with different countries at varying stages, the numbers are on the rise. There are excellent opportunities and world-class coaching is available. Coaching is steadily gaining momentum, with individuals and organisations reaping the benefits of engaging professionals like myself.
Its starts with the self!, so start your journey today to become the best version of your true authentic self!